Senin, 13 Desember 2010

One for All and All for One.

Hai semua! Udah lama ga ngepost nih, sekarang gue mau ngepost lagi. Kali ini gue mau ngepost tentang group band gue.

   Langsung aja deh. Jadi gini, gue, Aji, Faiz les di salah satu bimbel ternama di Jakarta. Kita deket banget udah kayak kembar siam. Suatu hari, gue sama Aji kepikiran buat bikin band. Akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk bikin band yang anggotanya adalah gue, Aji, Faiz. Ada sih salah satu temen gue yang mau diajak gabung tapi setelah gabung dia malah bersikap kayak gitu, terpaksa kita keluarkan. Oke lanjut ke band ini. Gue jadi vocalist, Aji jadi bassist, Faiz jadi guitarist. Hmm kita lanjut ke masalah nama. Kita bingung waktu itu mau ngasih nama apa yang cocok buat band ini. Akhirnya setelah melalui konferensi meja belajar, kita memutuskan buat namain band ini We are One. Nama ini diambil dari header blog gue. Maksud dari nama We are One adalah untuk ngasih tau buat semua orang kalo kita semua ini satu. Hal ini tercermin dari personilnya yang beda kelas di sekolah. Gue seneng bisa ngebentuk dan tergabung di band ini. Oke selanjutnya masalah lagu. Kita bertiga bingung parah mau nyayiin lagu apa, pertamanya sih nyoba nyanyi Your Call yang dipopulerkan sama Secondhand Serenade. Akan tetapi setelah beberapa minggu kemudian muncullah sebuah tawaran dari temennya Aji buat nyanyiin lagu ciptaan temennya yang tergabung dalam group The HollowStrike. Lagu tersebut berjudul Jika. Lagu ini menceritakan tentang seseorang yang ya istilahnya kalo pasangannya itu seneng, dia juga seneng. Lagunya keren sih ga terlalu galau gitu. Nih gue perlihatkan liriknya:


 Jika... Memang... Itu pilihanmu
Dan takkan... Kutinggalkan... Dirimu oh kasihku
Jika... Memang... Itu yang terbaik
Kan kubiarkan... Dirimu bahagia
Dan biarkan... Semua ini... Berlalu
Jika memang... Ku bukan pilihan...

Jika... Memang... Itu yang terbaik
Kan kubiarkan... Dirimu bahagia

Dan biarkan... Semua ini... Berlalu
Jika memang... Ku bukan pilihan... Hatimu

Semua ini... Kan menjadi... Kenangan terindah... Di dalam... Hatiku

    Itulah lagu Jika. Liriknya rada dalem tapi pas dinyanyiin jadi semangat gitu haha. Hmm hari demi hari gue lalui sama anak anak We are One. Sedih, bahagia, malu, ampe ditabok temen -_-. Sabar ya temenku, Aji. Cobaan idup emang berat. Ya mungkin Tuhan akan ngebales dia dengan cara yang setimpal. Hmm oke lanjutkan. Makin kesini chemistry diantara kita makin lengket aja. Kita berencana buat nambah vocalist, guitarist, keyboardist. Setelah berminggu minggu mencari akhirnya kita dapet beberapa calon. Baru sekitar 3 hari yang lalu kita memutuskan buat merekrut guitarist baru. Dia adalah Rezza. Welcome home, brother! Gue harap Rezza bisa enjoy di kelompok suram ini -_-. Dan baru aja beberapa jam yang lalu, kita berhasil merekrut keyboardist wanita. Dia adalah Medina. Hohoho selamat datang! Sekarang We are One beranggotakan 5 orang. Tinggal satu vocalist lagi nih. Kita sedang meakukan proses pendekatan agar calon vocalist mau gabung sama kita. Mudah mudahan sih dia mau gabung. Oh iya gue lupa! Fans We are One namanya 321ers. 321ers pertama kita adalah Wahyu. 321ers yang lain yang gue tau cuma Novi, yang lainnya gue ga hafal hoho maaf ya kawan. Sebentar lagi mau pensi, kita bingung nih mau ngirim squad apa ngga. Kalo gue sih Irfan Bachdim tetep di depan sama Okto Maniani di tengah -_-. Ya doain yang terbaik ajalah.

Gue rasa cukup sekian postingan tentang We are One kali ini. I love 321ers, your support is very important for us. Thanks! Salam Satu Jiwa. We are One. 

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Javier Hernandez

Chicharito: In His Own Words...
"My expectations are to do the best I can personally, to work, to learn, and to win many trophies."

"I just like to enjoy myself on the pitch. I want to win every day and I hope I can do great things."

"Sir Alex is a great person and probably the best coach of all time. All my impressions of the team, the atmosphere at the club and the city are incredible."

Chicharito: In The Words Of Others...
"We like doing these kind of deals. We identify young talent and we’ve been good at that over the years. These are the kind of signings we prefer to make."
Sir Alex Ferguson
"He has lots of good qualities – he's two-footed, very quick and has a good spring, and he’s a natural goalscorer. We’re very excited about him and hope he has a great career at Old Trafford."
Sir Alex Ferguson
"He’s rated as a big talent in Mexico. People have a lot of faith in him that he’ll go far, and he's at the right club to develop himself. The reaction in Mexico was massive when he signed – it was termed 'the transfer of the decade'.

Rooney is staying. Wayne Rooney has agreed a new five-year contract to stay at Manchester United until at least June 2015.

The agreement follows intensive discussions between the Club and the player’s representatives and means that by the end of his contract Wayne will have been a Manchester United player for 11 years.
Sir Alex Ferguson said: “It’s been a difficult week, but the intensity of the coverage is what we expect at Manchester United.  I said to the boy that the door is always open and I’m delighted Wayne has agreed to stay.
“Sometimes, when you’re in a club, it can be hard to realise just how big it is and it takes something like the events of the last few days to make you understand.  I think Wayne now understands what a great club Manchester United is.
“I’m pleased he has accepted the challenge to guide the younger players and establish himself as one of United’s great players. It shows character and belief in what we stand for.
“I’m sure everyone involved with the Club will now get behind Wayne and show him the support he needs to produce the performances we know he is capable of.”
Wayne Rooney said: “I’m delighted to sign another deal at United.  In the last couple of days, I’ve talked to the Manager and the owners and they’ve convinced me this is where I belong.  I said on Wednesday the Manager’s a genius and it’s his belief and support that have convinced me to stay.
“I’m signing a new deal in the absolute belief that the management, coaching staff, board and owners are totally committed to making sure United maintains its proud winning history – which is the reason I joined the Club in the first place.
“I’m sure the fans over the last week have felt let down by what they’ve read and seen.  But my position was from concern over the future.  The fans have been brilliant with me since I arrived and it’s up to me through my performances to win them over again.”

Video: Watch MUTV's exclusive interview with Sir Alex on MUTV Online